Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mountains and Ports

I was with a group of people, we were all younger. We drove/hiked up a mountain, lots of gravel and cacti everywhere. It was like a desert, but felt more like a paradise. A weird notion I get a lot in my dreams. At the top was a trailer with a man who had a bushy mustache and goatee. He brought us to the top of a plateau claiming it was not going to be solid, but when we arrived... it was.

We hiked down the other side of the mountain and arrived at a port. Lots of large barges were there and there were small bait shops around. We decided to eat at a little hut and that was it.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Okay so I had three dreams last night in a row that were weird as ever, but can only seem to remember one. The other two were only fresh on my mind for about ten minutes.

This one was simple.

My mom and I moved to a moon colony, not sure why.

While on the colony, people started losing their minds. I was separated from Mom and forced into a sleeping quarter with my back to the wall. Three of the crazed colonists attacked me, so I grabbed the closest object (which was a glass bottle) and smashed it into the first opponent. He went down fast and the bottle broke. I then proceeded to try to attack the other two with a broken bottle, and then woke up.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dream Inside A Dream

Not only can I not sleep right now due to a complete lack of breath and a loud bird, I just woke up from one of the deepest sleeps of my life.

Surprisingly,  I was having an intense Inception moment.

I was in a dream where I was walking the streets of a dark world full  of danger. Everyone was a possible enemy, but at the same time everyone was expected to have a good time. Light and dancers and booze and an almost early 20's feel about it.

Away from this fun however was gangs and they were brutal. I carried a baseball bat with me to protect Heather and I, and tried to save a couple children but failed. I was finally at one point surrounded.,

I woke up. I was laying on the ground in the same street surrounded by people with bags and a cleany wipe cloth over their mouths. I got up and walked away then woke up again. for real